I always come back to play this. Chill and addicting and stretches that brain muscle. 😎
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I always come back to play this. Chill and addicting and stretches that brain muscle. 😎
This game is great, a delightful surprise. I really love the humour from the previous instalments, and this one was no exception. I think the one thing more interesting than using the Easter egg properly is the, uh, Easter eggs involving using the Easter egg in its unintended places.
I really love how this game has music from a wide range of different composers, and it's really interesting to hear what's going to be in the next. I hope the soundtrack for the games would someday be released - all the music is fantastic.
For future instalments, I think it would be nice if the menu option started on "Continue" rather than "New Game" once you've started saving progress. I almost came close to hitting New Game several times when I had progress saved, and while I'm sure this doesn't immediately override your save, it does seem like it could save a bit of inconvenience to those who progress partway through and rapid tap. It's not a huge deal, though. :P
Also, when you use the Heat Blaster in areas where it isn't needed, the last line of the text box reads, "There's a reason why you wear hat." I think that's meant to say, "There's a reason why you wear *a* hat."
See you again in Door 4!!!
Honestly I'm kind of surprised I've been able to find so many ways to use the Easter Egg.
Huh, that's a really good idea. I'm totally going to include that in the patch I'm pushing up tonight, thanks!
Guh, there's always a few typos that I miss before release. I'll get that fixed soon.
I'm glad that you enjoyed the game, thank you so much!
Great work; loved the humour and atmosphere. Puzzles were overall well done and intuitive. I was very intrigued by the story and this one had a nice arc that made it feel complete but also wanting to know more about the game to come next. The factory and town tracks are fantastic.
And now, to find the Easter eggs...
Per your request, here are the rough notes I took for your AIM 2024 entry:
That slower beginning section that appears in the middle and end of the track works really well with the art and has a great sense of atmosphere.
I love the use of piano there, but I wish it were more prominent.
The main part of the track with those fast synth lines, for the most part, does not work given the art inspiration and also feels disconnected from the track besides the one part where it's slow and reverbed in the middle section.
I like the sense of playing around with the tempo and the pulsating of the chords.
COMPOSITION: I like the intro and there are nice ideas here like playing around with the tempo and the fast synth line.
PRODUCTION: The panning is fine but the main part of the track is so dry, especially those drums and the loud synths.
EMOTION: The beginning is quite atmospheric but the main synth line doesn't really flow that well from the intro and the lack of reverb makes this a difficult listen.
ART RELEVANCE: I think the long, flowing lines - the slower parts with the piano - feel quite inspired by the art, but that main sort of fast sidechained synth line feels disconnected from the art. Ultimately, the bulk of this track sounds too similar to "Digital Demolition" - which in itself isn't a bad thing necessarily, but I felt like the sounds weren't as strong in conveying this different style of art used as the inspiration here.
Thank you! This was very helpful. I personally felt the synth was connected with the art as I thought the synth as the dragon approaching aggressively basically. But the lack of reverb and the dry excessive loudness I can well understand is a problem. Can also agree that the piano isn't so prominent and the synth bass sound selection also needed more work and so did the percussion.
All and all, once again thanks for this detailed review! :)
Per your request, here are the rough notes I took for your AIM 2024 entry:
Great seamless shift from the uplifting tone at the beginning to the more intense sections in a short amount of time.
I love the use of the guitar for added intensity and...it sounds more epic like that.
Drums could definitely use a touchup. I missed a lot of their presence here.
Could have used another hook somewhere in the middle that is not like the beginning or ending's main melodic ideas, but also something different as a touch point. Most of the track is quite good, but it feels mostly background.
COMPOSITION: I really like the transition from the happier string section at the beginning to the intensive parts with the guitar and strings. I just feel like there was a lot of "waiting" to get back to the main hooks.
PRODUCTION: I think the guitar was mixed quite well with the strings, but I wish there were more presence of the drums - the cymbal was really the only thing prevalent.
EMOTION: The punches and shifts of emotion and atmosphere work quite well with the sound design and hits in the composition. There is that sense of having an epic battle adventure.
ART RELEVANCE: There's definitely a video game feeling to this, which seems inspired by the art. I think it also reflects the environment and the idea around the narrative is quite well done.
Thank you!, I agree that I dragged out some bits a tad too long, I wasn't confident about that, to be 100% fair I wasn't super confident in this track, but I'm happy there were some good things in it.
Thank you again RSK, you're wonderful!
Per your request, here are the rough notes I took for your AIM 2024 entry:
Guitar sound is incorporated in a way that works and still follows your signature style
Fantastic, lovely melody recurring throughout. Great sound choices to complement the guitar (piano and strings, etc.)
The vocal section - I like the idea but not the execution. The melody line I would like to hear if it sounds better an octave lower? Also the use of the vocaloid here hampers the emotional weight for me. The way the vocaloid pronounces the words is very unnatural sounding. It's almost there but not quite.
COMPOSITION: The melody is fantastic, but I feel like the vocals section is a bit of a miss. The way the metre changes feels very natural and not something I'm consciously thinking about, which is one of the piece's greatest strengths.
PRODUCTION: I feel like the production could be just a bit lighter, feels a bit heavy-loaded in the lower end.
EMOTION: The melody of the guitars just hits that right level of cuteness and comfort, but I felt like the heavier production and vocals detracted from this feeling a bit.
ART RELEVANCE: Does a great job at making you feel small and the sky feel big, with feelings of comfort and uncertainty wrapped up into one cute little package.
(Sorry I went ham on the vocals. I'm just personally not a huge fan of vocaloids/synthesizers unless it's in very specific contexts. For me, having this lovely sort of piece culminate into sudden vocals where they feel unnatural affected the emotional impact, especially since the piece builds up to the vocals. I still enjoyed it overall, but it was definitely the one thing I didn't really connect with.)
I also don't 100% feel good about using a voice synthesizer, of course I'd much prefer having actual vocals, been practicing my singing a lot but I'm still a few ways away.
Thank you so much for the notes RSK♡
Composer for Team Spontaneous Combustion and various indie projects, AIM organizer.
Avatar + banner by Frostyflytrap (https://twitter.com/frostyflytrap)
Age 30, Female
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Joined on 3/21/14